Ingredient: chopped dark chocolate

Funky Monkey Banana Ice Cream

Funky Monkey Banana Ice Cream

Funky Monkey Banana Ice Cream, say what? Well, you may or may not know of Ben & Jerry’s “chunky monkey” ice cream, filled with all sorts of deliciousness. But we are taking that in a healthy direction with this vegan banana-based ice cream. Did I mention how de-lish it is!?

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Cake Pops

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Cake Pops

Chocolate covered pretzels, peanut butter filled pretzels, chocolate and peanut butter… the list of delicious combination possibilities with these three favorites (of mine at least) is long. So I decided to make a recipe using all three, and that’s how Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel “Cake” Pops were born!

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Frozen Banana Pops

Frozen Banana Pops

Does anything go better together than peanut butter & chocolate? How about banana and peanut butter? Better yet, how about peanut butter, banana, chocolate, and coconut all rolled into one little bite-size treat?

Well, that’s just what these Frozen Banana Pops are.

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Vegan Magic Bars

Vegan Magic Bars

These vegan Magic Bars have all the things the traditional recipe has ~ yummy chocolate, toasted coconut and pecans, but without any unhealthy ingredients.

Magic Bars make a great healthy dessert, after school snack for the kids, and are also great to take to a party or gathering.

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Chocolate Dipped Summer Fruit

Chocolate Dipped Summer Fruit

When you are craving chocolate but also want a healthy snack or dessert, Chocolate Dipped Summer Fruit is just the recipe you need. It takes a quick five minutes to make, and is a fun snack for the kids or simple yet elegant dessert for a dinner party.  Continue Reading

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be used as nutrition or medical advice under any circumstances.