Category Archives: Health & Wellness

Six Immune Boosting Foods

Six Immune Boosting Foods

We are in the midst of cold and flu season, so if there is ever a time to have a strong immune system it’s now.

Many factors contribute to having a healthy immune system, such as living an overall healthy lifestyle that includes getting adequate sleep, exercising, and of course getting the necessary vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. Did someone say food!?

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How to Boost Collagen When You Are Vegan

How to Boost Collagen When You Are Vegan

Lately collagen is all the rage. In bone broth, supplements, foods, and even skin care products. To look your best, feel your best, and improve overall health you need to consume collagen, right? Or so the marketing claims go.

But is there truth to the message that one needs to be taking animal-based supplements and eating animal protein to obtain the collagen our bodies need, especially as we get older?  Continue Reading

Healthy Aphrodisiac Foods

Healthy Aphrodisiac Foods

Looking to add a little extra love to your life this Valentine’s Day? Then I have the perfect list of healthy plant-based erotic edibles (aka aphrodisiac foods) that may just get you in the mood…. for love.

We’ve all heard that certain foods have aphrodisiac qualities, but which foods? Continue Reading

Healthy Foods to Enjoy in 2019

Healthy Foods to Enjoy in 2019

I’m not one to set proper resolutions specifically for the New Year. As I’ve said before, I believe any time of year is a good time to make a positive change or start a new good habit.

And that goes for eating healthy. Many people this time of year say they will wait until “after the holidays” to start their “diet” or begin eating healthy. Or anytime throughout the year you may hear someone say “I’ll start Monday.” Continue Reading

What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Should You Follow One?

What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Should You Follow One?

You often hear about inflammation, chronic inflammation, and anti-inflammatory foods. But what exactly does that mean and should you be following an anti-inflammatory diet?

Continue reading to learn more about when inflammation becomes dangerous, and how to prevent or at least minimize it with the most powerful prescription of all: the FARMacy (i.e. food!).

An anti-inflammatory diet is based on eliminating common pro-inflammatory foods (think sugar, processed foods and white flour), and increasing nutrient-dense foods (leafy greens, berries, legumes, whole grains and nuts).

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Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be used as nutrition or medical advice under any circumstances.