Stuffed Medjool Dates

Stuffed Medjool Dates

If fruit is nature’s candy then this new recipe for Stuffed Medjool Dates is my new favorite treat.

These juicy little morsels are filled with pecan butter, topped with a piece of dark chocolate, pecans and sea salt, and baked. 

And as a bonus, dates are packed with nutrients such as the minerals potassium and magnesium, which aid in blood pressure management. Dates are also high in fiber and contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids, both of which protect cells from harmful free radicals.

This quick and easy healthy vegan dessert could’t be easier to make, and there is no added sugar or oil, and it’s virtually a no-mess recipe. It makes a beautiful presentation, so could be a great bite of something sweet to serve after a dinner party.

Dark chocolate and medjool dates prepped and ready

It’s also kid-friendly, so you could get the little ones into the kitchen to help assemble.

I highly recommend using only medjool dates, as they are the sweetest and juiciest of all dates. The pre-pitted ones, such as deglet noor can be a bit on the dry side for a recipe such as this. Those are better suited to date nut bread, adding to oatmeal, etc.

I suggest using pecan butter for this recipe, but other nut butters would work equally well: almond, cashew, peanut. And if you are nut-free, sunflower seed butter would also work well.

Nut butter, pecans and Maldon salt prepped and ready

Either way, it’s best to use nut butter with only one ingredient: the nuts! Too many brands have added oils and sugar, along with other less-than-healthy ingredients.

My favorite brands for each nut butter are:

Santa Cruz organic peanut butter, either light or dark roast (but don’t get the no-stir, which has palm oil)

Better Almond Butter  organic sprouted almond butter, toasted flavor

Guidry Farms organic pecan butter

Dates stuffed and ready to pop in the oven

As for chocolate I recommend a brand such as Theo or Hu, both of which make really high-quality chocolates without added dairy, soy lecithin or preservatives. And, as always, go 70% or higher cacao with dark chocolate to get the most health benefits.

For the topping I did crushed pecans, but feel free to mix it up with almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, etc. Or, you could even add shredded unsweet coconut shreds or flakes, freeze-dried strawberries or raspberries.

Stuffed dates fresh out of the oven


Close up, so yummy!

The sea salt adds that sweet-&-salty taste that goes so well with desserts. I prefer Maldon salt, which is available at Whole Foods and even many grocery stores.

Any brand of coarse salt is best here, and a small pinch goes a long way. But if you are using nut butter with added salt you can omit this salty topping.

Think this is a recipe you will make? Want to see more recipes like this? Follow me on Instagram where I’ve done several stuffed date variations and other health fruit-based desserts.

Print Recipe
Stuffed Medjool Dates
A quick and healthy vegan dessert of pecan butter stuffed medjool dates, topped with dark chocolate, toasted pecans and flaky sea salt
  1. heat oven to 350° and line a small pan with parchment paper
  2. fill each date with one teaspoon of the nut butter, top with a piece of dark chocolate, pecans and a small pinch of salt
  3. bake just until chocolate melts, about 5 -7 minutes
Recipe Notes
  1. can sub almond, peanut or cashew butter for pecan butter (or sunflower seed butter for nut-free)
  2. can sub crushed almonds, walnuts, pistachios or cashews for crushed pecans
  3. recipe can be made ahead, and can be stored in an airtight container at room temp for up to two days before refrigerating

Original recipe created by Jerran Boyer

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