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Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Cake Pops
Sweet + salty vegan chocolatey cake pops with peanut butter and pretzels
Servings Prep Time
6servings 15minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
6servings 15minutes
Cook Time
  1. in a small food processor or blender add cashews and pulse to a fine meal; then add dates, cacao, peanut butter, flax and a pinch of salt and pulse a few times to start the blending
  2. add almond or plant milk of choice one tablespoon at a time until “batter” comes together (it should be sticky but not too wet to be able to form cake pops, and you can add another date if needed)
  3. optional: pop batter into freezer a few minutes at this point to firm up for easy rolling, then form into 6 round bite-size pops
  4. melt chocolate: in a double boiler or microwave, gently melt chocolate to a drizzling/dipping consistency
  5. if dipping, use two forks to dip pops in chocolate; alternatively, place pops on a parchment lined plate and drizzle chocolate over (you can prepare the cake pops up to this point and store in the refrigerator, saving pretzels for adding last minute)
  6. if serving right away top pops with a handful of crushed pretzels; alternatively, you can add flake salt, crushed roasted peanuts or cacao nibs
Recipe Notes

Original recipe created by Jerran Boyer