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Frozen Banana Pops
Sliced banana “popsicles” with peanut butter, dark chocolate and coconut
Servings Prep Time
8pops 10minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
2minutes 45minutes
Servings Prep Time
8pops 10minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
2minutes 45minutes
  1. peel banana and slice into 8 “coins”, about 1-inch thick
  2. top each banana slice with 1/2 teaspoon of nut or seed butter of choice (peanut, almond, cashew or sunflower seed); place on a parchment paper lined plate and freeze 30-45 minute to firm
  3. melt dark chocolate in a double boiler, or in the microwave in 30-second increments (about 90 seconds if doing in the microwave), then stir in coconut or other add-in
  4. remove bananas from freezer; using two forks, carefully dip each piece into melted chocolate and return to plate, freeze 10-15 minutes more to set chocolate
  5. Banana Pops can be enjoyed straight from the freezer, or bring them to room temp for a tasty treat
Recipe Notes

Original recipe created by Jerran Boyer