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Green Chile Enchiladas
Charred corn tortillas with cumin roasted sweet potatoes, black beans, tomatillo salsa, almond queso, cilantro relish
Servings Prep Time
4servings 20minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4servings 20minutes
Cook Time
Enchilada ingredients
Topping ingredients
  1. heat oven to 450°, line a sheet pan with parchment paper
  2. drizzle cut sides of sweet potatoes with oil, season with cumin, oregano and some salt, bake until fork tender, about 30 minutes, reduce oven to 350°
  3. scoop sweet potato flesh into bowl, then season to taste with salt & pepper
  4. optional: char tortillas about one minute on open flame (on gas stove)
  5. roll enchiladas: on a flat work surface, divide sweet potato evenly among tortillas, then add 1/4 cup or just over of black beans, roll up cigar style, seam side down
  6. prepare bake pan: place some of salsa verde in the bottom of a bake pan, then place enchiladas into pan, seam side down; top enchiladas with remaining salsa verde, cheese of choice and bake at 350 to warm through, about 15-20 minutes
  7. meanwhile, make “relish”: in a small bowl combine cilantro, scallions, pumpkin seeds, salt and a squeeze of lime
  8. to serve, top enchiladas with cilantro relish
Recipe Notes

Serves 4 with one enchilada per person, or serves 2 with two enchiladas per person

Original recipe created by Jerran Boyer