Healthy Foods to Enjoy in 2019

Healthy Foods to Enjoy in 2019

I’m not one to set proper resolutions specifically for the New Year. As I’ve said before, I believe any time of year is a good time to make a positive change or start a new good habit.

And that goes for eating healthy. Many people this time of year say they will wait until “after the holidays” to start their “diet” or begin eating healthy. Or anytime throughout the year you may hear someone say “I’ll start Monday.”

As Shakespeare wrote, “to diet, or not to diet: that is the question,” Or something like that (wink).

But I don’t like the idea of a diet, because it infers restriction, sacrifice, and a sentence of bland food.

Rather, I like the idea of finding healthy foods you truly love, so that when you eat them it does not feel like a diet or punishment at all. Finding nourishing foods you truly enjoy is the key to maintaining healthy eating habits.

For some, this comes easy. For others, this may require discipline and a shift in thinking. Luckily, I fall into the first camp ~ eating healthy comes naturally for me and I happen to love it.  In my work I try to show and inspire others that eating this way can be enjoyable and, gasp, FUN!

So in the spirit of getting the healthy party started for the new year ahead I am sharing 11 of my favorite healthy foods that I will continue to enjoy in 2019. And you should, too! Read on to find out why, and be sure to stay tuned for lots of recipes using all of these faves!


Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is packed with bioactive compounds that act as antioxidants and fight free radicals. It is also packed with minerals such as manganese, potassium, zinc and selenium.

Just be sure to buy 70% and higher cacao content, as this is where the benefits come from. I also recommend looking for brands that don’t have soy, dairy or unhealthy ingredients. One of my favorite brands is Hu Chocolate.


Kale and Leafy Greens

Kale is the king of the leafies, but collards, spinach, and a few others are also in this group. A single cup of kale has over 600% of your RDI for vitamin K, which is important for bone, brain and heart health. So kale is literally brain food!



Sweet Potatoes

These spuds contain more potassium than a banana, and also contain beta-carotene, due to the orange hue of some varieties of sweet potatoes. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body and helps maintain good eye health.



Did you know that avocados also contain more potassium than a banana? True story. And there are so many ways to enjoy this healthy fruit. Yes, fruit! And avos are packed with fiber for gut health, monounsaturated fats for reducing inflammation, and carotenoids that are important for eye health. I’ll (avocado) toast to that any time!



A recent study showed that eating mushrooms can reduce a woman’s risk for breast cancer. Eating as little as one mushroom per day – even the humble white button mushroom – can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 64%.

Don’t like mushrooms? Consider mushroom coffee, teas or elixirs from Four Sigmatic.  And no, you can’t taste the mushrooms.



This fiber-packed grain is actually not a grain at all, but rather a seed, and it has all sorts of health bennies. Quinoa is naturally gluten-free, contains compounds that act as anti-inflammatories, and has a complete amino acid profile (meaning it is a complete protein).

I like adding cooked quinoa to green salads, using in soups, and you can even add raw quinoa to granola recipes.


Hemp Seeds and Other Seeds

Everyone knows flax and chia seeds, but have you ever tried hemp seeds? These sesame seed-sized little guys are also a plant-based complete protein source, like quinoa. This is especially good for vegetarians and vegans looking to get quality protein from plants (just one ounce has 8 grams!).

Hemps also contain magnesium and zinc, both important for immunity.



Not only are berries packed with fiber and vitamin C, they also contain antioxidants and may even help lower the risk of certain types of cancer. To me, that reason alone is a berry good one to add bluebs to your morning oatmeal brekkie any day of the week.



And speaking of oats, this is one of my favorite breakfast and dessert foods. There’s nothing more comforting than a warm bowl of steel cut oats on a cold winter morning. And I like to use oat flour in quick breads and desserts, using it as nearly a 1:1 ratio to all-purpose flour.

Oats are a whole grain that contain numerous health benefits, such as feeding the good bacteria in our guts with fiber, reducing cholesterol levels, and stabilizing blood sugar levels.



If variety is the spice of life then spices are one of the keys to living a healthy life.  And specifically, spices such as turmeric and cinnamon, which contain bioactive compounds that act as anti-inflammatories and antioxidants.

Cinnamon can also help stabilize blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity.




Legumes include beans, lentils, and even peanuts. I’m looking at you, peanut butter fans!

Aside from being a great source of protein for vegetarians and vegans, legumes are a great source of fiber for good gut health, folate for prenatal health, and iron for blood health.


Are any of these foods on your list of favorites? Be sure to leave a comment below and let me know what your favorite healthy foods are!

Wishing all of you a very happy and healthy eating new year ahead!





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